Is UniFi the Right Phone Solution for Your Business?

Not too long ago, an existing client of ours (a busy law firm) reached out because they were worried their phone system was starting to die on them. As it turned out, the system was about 15 years old, and in need of an upgrade.

They’d tried switching once before to a cloud-based option, but many of their staff members were having issues, and the learning curve was steeper than the law firm had anticipated. They also didn’t like having to deal with the cloud solution’s fee-per-user, especially as their firm grew in size and scope. We introduced them to UniFi from Ubiquiti, and they haven’t looked back.

UniFi from Ubiquiti might be the best way for your business to phone.

Phones are a funny thing these days. Even as most of us carry our phones around in our pockets, plenty of businesses still require dedicated lines and receivers on desks. More and more, UniFi is becoming a go-to approach for businesses that require flexibility, ease-of-use, and options that play nicely with remote staffing options.

Our professional take: UniFi phones are an excellent choice for small and medium businesses. Here is just some of the positive feedback we’ve heard from clients that we’ve helped to switch over to UniFi:

  • The UniFi system is easy to setup and use.

  • Businesses love that it operates over ethernet using Voice-Over-IP (VOIP).

  • UniFi doesn’t require a separate phone line.

  • As a business, you can keep your current phone number(s). You don’t have worry about updating your marketing or contact information.

  • The phones are modern, complete with full-featured touchscreens.

  • UniFi phones are equipped to handle a conference system.

Here’s a quick snapshot of our experience with setting up and launching UniFi phone systems for business clients:

First, they’re very easy to install and launch, and the settings are clear. In a busy office where people don't want to waste time learning new systems, the ease factor makes UniFi a no-brainer.

Then there’s the piece of adding new users. Again, UniFi makes it easy. When you assign a new user, it happens almost instantaneously. If your office is growing, or if you have a steady stream of W-9 or contract workers coming in and out, this can be a huge benefit.

We also like UniFi’s Smart Attendant, complete with visual trees that help when you’re setting things up.

Finally, built-in WiFi is more than just a nice-to-have. These days, it’s a must-have. With WiFi, you don’t have to worry about finding access to a network jack, for instance. Plus, our experience is that call quality doesn’t drop when using WiFi.

UniFi Phones are becoming the sweet spot for many small and medium-sized businesses.

When you add up the price point, ease-of-use, functionality, interface, and flexibility, UniFi phones are getting the job done for many businesses. Reach out to Brightstone if you’re thinking about an upgrade, or even if you just have questions. We’re always happy to connect.

Are you ready to talk UniFi phones, or another tech upgrade? Brightstone is here to help you expand, enhance, and improve the way tech works for you, no matter how you work. Find out more.

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