our services come in response to TODAYS TEC needs

Proactively keeping your technology and data safe. 

  • Secure - Your own private CLOUD - Synology

  • Safe - Automated Malware checks and removal - Mac remote managment

  • Current - Automated System Upgrades - All users

  • Dynamic - System Reporting -

Keeping ahead of the tech curve. 

  • Plan for upgrades and updates ahead of time

  • Know about industry trends, updates, and new threats ahead of time

  • Avoid the "Franken-tech approach" to building a plan

Monitoring systems remotely.

  • Faster fixes without having to wait for us to reach your office

  • Less downtime

  • Greater security thanks to additional backup systems

Visiting your office virtually or in person. 

  • Resolve tech issues that require an onsite visit

  • Set up and install workstations, NAS devices, networks, and software

  • Make sure your machines are getting along

Getting the most out of what you have today,
building for your tomorrow.

  • Equip team members with secure, remote access

  • Upgrade or switch machines to new platforms and operating systems

  • Transfer and backup critical data

Responding quickly when you need us.

  • Resuscitate servers and devices

  • Retrieve critical data

  • Protect your network and machines against viral and hacker threats


"As a graphic designer and creative professional, I couldn't work without my Apple gear. I wouldn't know where to begin without Brightstone! For close to 20 years I have relied on their expertise and fast, knowledgeable response."

"They are true professionals who respond quickly, whether over the phone or at our office. They're not just up-to-date on software and compatibility, they're ahead of the curve."

"Brightstone enabled me to set up the IT part of my mediation practice. They make sure my IT needs are always met, on time and on budget."

"Brightstone is just a phone call or text away. I love that they can log in remotely, and guide me through issues over the phone. They're fast, and always well-informed."

"One of the best parts of working with Brightstone is that they're extremely pleasant. They never talk down to you, or make you feel like your challenges don't matter, which is a huge difference compared with other tech vendors we've had."